Arising out of bed every morning is challenging on cold, winter days. Stretching the body first thing can do wonders. Start by wiggling the toes, point and flex.
Then lengthen the legs and feel the muscles start to tingle. Reach arms toward the ceiling and shake the fingers. Circle a few times. Now on to the hips. Move hips side to side visualizing a clock teetering on the 3 o'clock and nine o'clock hand. Now shift
hips upward to twelve o'clock, tucking the tail bone then shift downward, placing weight
on the tailbone. Move in all directions.
Next, lying on back, raise knees to a tabletop position and bring arms out level with shoulders.
Bring knees over to right until knees hover close to ground. Turn head in the opposite position stretching the neck and finding distance between ear and shoulder. Bring knees back to center and try the other side.
Stand and reach down to the toes, keeping weight balanced on both feet. Roll back up.
Ready to start the day?